CQC INSPECTIONS – Plan, Prepare and Prosper
On successful completion of this course:
1½ Hour verifiable CPD will be awarded – In line with the new 2018 EGDC verifiable standards. A certificate will be issued to the learner on completion of a short assessment. You will also receive a Reflection log sheet. This allows you to reflect on your learning experience and can be used with the certificate as verifiable GDC evidence. You will need to gain 83% of the total marks. To help us to continue to improve future training and course structure, you will be requested to complete a short feedback form.
Why complete this on-line course?
A CQC inspection visit can be a daunting prospect for all involved. It’s important to remember that the whole practice is involved. Not every member of staff may be present on the day of the visit, but their work and different roles leading up to the inspection can play a very important part.
The registered manager will, for obvious reasons, play a lead part in the whole process. But dentists, therapists, hygienists, dental nurses, technicians, cleaners and receptionists are also involved. Their roles in a CQC inspection or the time leading up to the inspection will obviously differ. All members of the team will have an input in some way, even if it is just ensuring that their CPD record is up to date or being involved in an audit process or staff meeting.
This course has been designed to assist all members of the dental team when;
Planning and preparing ahead for a CQC inspection.
Using the CQC regulations and standards to demonstrate good practice
Hosting or taking part in a CQC inspection visit.
Understanding the individual’s role and the role of the dental team in relation to the CQC
The course covers:
- Overview of the CQC Regulations
- The Health and social Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014
- Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations 2009 (Part 4)
- The Standards
- The 5 Key questions & Key lines of Enquiry
- Statement of Purpose
- Evidencing for inspection
- Team input
- What will the inspector ask to look at?
- What questions can the inspectors ask?
- The types of information and evidence needed by the CQC on Inspection day
Course mapping and links
After successfully completing this course, you can use your training and course certificate for demonstrating compliance and evidence within the following:
- GDC Developmental outcomes – A, B & D (Required for verifiable evidence with new ECPD GDC)
- GDC domains – Communication, Professionalism and Management and Leadership
- The learning outcomes for this course are linked to the following GDC principles and standards:
- Principle 1 – Put patients’ interests first. Standards 1,3,5,9,
- Principle 6 – Work with colleagues in a way that is in patients’ best interests. Standards 1, 6,
- Principle 7 – Maintain, develop and work within your professional knowledge and skills.
- Standards 1, 2, 3,
- The CQC fundamental standards
Course Aims, Objectives and Outcomes
The aim of the course is to give an overview of The Health and social Act 2008 and CQC Regulations.
It will discuss the standards and key lines of enquiry that will assist individuals and practices to best prepare for a CQC inspection.
The course will address the types of evidence the CQC will be looking for and the questions that may be asked. It will also discuss the role of the practice, staff and CQC inspectors, prior to a visit and during a visit.
Review the 2015 revised CQC standards and how to apply your practice evidence to them.
Explore the preparation and documentation required, prior to and during an inspection.
Reflect on your own role and how it links to CQC requirements.
After successfully completing this course, learners will be able to:
- Utilise practice evidence to fit in with the new methodology and to enhance best practice
- Apply the 5 key questions and gather information to plan and prepare for CQC inspections
- Be able to demonstrate an understanding of the CQC requirements by applying them to your work role within the dental team.